The future of fight predictors
Tired of unreliable fight predictions? Predictoro is here to change the game. We provide MMA fans with accessible, accurate, and affordable fight predictions, empowering you to make informed decisions. Our advanced algorithm consistently outperforms the bookies, boasting an impressive 70-87% accuracy rate across all bets. And the best part? Predictoro offers both free and premium options, ensuring everyone can experience the future of fight prediction.
How does Predictoro work?
Predictoro's exceptional accuracy stems from a powerful combination of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Our AI model has been meticulously trained on a vast dataset containing thousands of UFC fights. This deep learning process allows the model to identify intricate patterns and relationships within the data, going far beyond basic statistics. While data forms the foundation, Predictoro's AI goes a step further by identifying subtle nuances that traditional analysis might miss. This allows for a more comprehensive and accurate prediction, leading to our impressive ~75% accuracy rate in UFC events.
The figures speak for themselves.
We not only take pride in our accuracy statistics, but also in our customer successes. We have a growing amount of happy customers, who use Predictoro's predictions for media, information*, or even sports betting*. Predictoro is the future of MMA predictions, and we encourage you to join us on this journey.
Free to use, forever.
We truly believe in keeping Predictoro free-to-use for everyone, forever. Our currency, oro-coins is used for all functions of our platform to allow us to keep elevating Predictoro to new heights. Server costs, hosting costs, and other fees that we pay are not free, which is why we heavily rely on user activity to keep things going. Luckily, with the daily reward/referral system, you don't have to worry about running out of oro-coins any time soon. You get 5 oro-coins for every user that signs up for Predictoro using your referral code, and you can win up to 15 oro-coins every day just by claiming the daily reward.